Squash TF IntelliJ IDEA plugin


This IntelliJ IDEA plugin helps us to write S quash K eyword F ramework, aka SKF, scripts. It brings us :

  • autocompletion (instructions / macros)
  • syntax highlighting (instructions / macros)
  • syntax validation (instructions / macros)

Known limitations

Currently the Squash TF IntelliJ plugin has some limitations:
  • The last declared PHASE/SECTION line in a Test script MUST not be empty to be recognised. If you don’t have anything to insert in it yet, just simply complete that line by pressing “Enter”.
  • All plugin’s features such as syntax validation, color highlighting, autocompletion… will no longer work properly after the first parsing error (if any) encountered in the file.
  • Sometime the IntelliJ’s color highlighting doesn’t update after a syntax error correction, in that case all you need to do is move back to the beginning of the current line and press “Enter” to refresh the color highlighting.
  • When you open the code completion popup for a macro and type some characters, the plugin gets all the macro containing those characters and keeps them to proposal. However, the filtration result contains all macro in which the searched characters existed not only in one block but also being separated by other characters.