JUnit Plugin - Macros

# EXECUTE_JUNIT_TEST {displayName} FROM {qualifiedClass} IN {bundlePath}

What ?

This macro will execute a JUnit test and verify that the result is a success.

Underlying instructions :

LOAD {bundlePath} AS junit5{%%r1}.file
CONVERT junit5{%%r1}.file TO script.java(compile) AS junit5{%%r1}.bundle
CONVERT junit5{%%r1}.bundle TO script.junit5(structured) AS junit5{%%r1}.script
EXECUTE execute WITH junit5{%%r1}.script AS junit5{%%1}.result USING $(qualifiedClassName:{qualifiedClass},displayName:{displayName})
ASSERT junit5{%%1}.result IS success

> Input :

  • {qualifiedClass} : The qualified name of the class containing the test to execute.
  • {displayName} : The name of the test to execute. Make sure the diplay name of the test is unique in the class being tested.
  • {bundlePath} : The path to the java code bundle, including resources and compiled java classes.

Example :

# EXECUTE_JUNIT_TEST testSelenium2JUnit4 FROM org.squashtest.Selenium2JUnit4 IN selenium

File to process :


The folder containing the resources to process :


SKF script :


# EXECUTE_JUNIT_TEST {displayName} FROM {qualifiedClass} IN {bundlePath} WITH COMPILE OPTIONS {options}

What ?

This macro will execute a JUnit test, with compile options, and verify that the result is a success.

Underlying instructions :

LOAD {bundlePath} AS junit5{%%r1}.file
CONVERT junit5{%%r1}.file TO script.java(compile) USING {options} AS junit5{%%r1}.bundle
CONVERT junit5{%%r1}.bundle TO script.junit5(structured) AS junit5{%%r1}.script
EXECUTE execute WITH junit5{%%r1}.script AS junit5{%%1}.result USING $(qualifiedClassName:{qualifiedClass},displayName:{displayName})
ASSERT junit5{%%1}.result IS success

> Input :

  • {qualifiedClass} : The qualified name of the class containing the test to execute.

  • {displayName} : The name of the test to execute. Make sure the diplay name of the test is unique in the class being tested.

  • {bundlePath} : The path to the java code bundle, including resources and compiled java classes.

  • {options} : The name of the configuration resource. It represents a configuration file containing java compilation options (possible options are those of the Java compiler present on the machine). In this file options can be written :

    • In line separated with a space character
    • One option per line
    • A mix of both

Example :

# EXECUTE_JUNIT_TEST testSelenium2JUnit4 FROM org.squashtest.Selenium2JUnit4 IN selenium WITH COMPILE OPTIONS compile.options.file

First file to process :


Second file to process :


The folder containing the resources to process :


SKF script :
