
We recommand to patch your maven by using the procedure below for a better logging with our runners :


In all the procedure $MVN_HOME is your maven installation directory, and $MVN_VERSION your maven version.

  • Create a logging configuration file called log4j2.xml in $MVN_HOME/conf/logging/ and fill it with :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <Property name="maven.logging.root.level">INFO</Property>
    <Console name="console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
      <PatternLayout pattern="[%p] %msg%n%throwable" />
    <Root level="${sys:maven.logging.root.level}">
      <Appender-ref ref="console"/>
<!-- <logger name="[USER_MESSAGE]" level="DEBUG"/> -->
  • Remove if exists :
    • In the directory $MVN_HOME/lib the file maven-sl4j-provider-$MVN_VERSION.jar
    • In the directory $MVN_HOME/conf/logging/ the file deletesimpleLogger.properties