Filechecker Plugin - Converters

From file To fixed.field.file.descriptor

Category-name : descriptor

What ?

This descriptor converter will convert a file type resource to a fixed.field.file.descriptor type resource. This converter verifies that the resource is a well formed descriptor (structure + content).

CONVERT {resourceToConvert<Res:file>} TO fixed.field.file.descriptor (descriptor) AS {converted<Res:fixed.field.file.descriptor>}

> Input :

  • {resourceToConvert<Res:file>} : The name of the resource to convert (file type resource). This ressource should reference a fixed field file descriptor.

> Output :

  • {converted<Res:fixed.field.file.descriptor>} : The name of the converted resource (fixed.field.file.descriptor type resource).

Example :

LOAD path/to/fixed_field_file_descriptor.txt AS fff_descriptor.file

CONVERT fff_descriptor.file TO fixed.field.file.descriptor (descriptor) AS fff_descriptor.fffd

From file to fixed.field.file

Category-name : structured

What ?

This structured converter will convert a file type resource to a fixed.field.file type resource by using fixed.field.file.descriptor.

CONVERT {fffToConvert<Res:file>} TO fixed.field.file (structured) USING {fffDescriptor<Res:fixed.field.file.descriptor>} AS {converted<Res:fixed.field.file>}

> Input :

  • {fffToConvert<Res:file>} : The name (in the context) of the resource to convert (file type resource). This ressource should reference a fixed field file (e.g. by using a LOAD instruction on the fixed field file path).
  • {fffDescriptor<Res:fixed.field.file.descriptor>} : The name (in the context) of the descriptor resource (fixed.field.file.descriptor type resource).

> Output :

  • {converted<Res:fixed.field.file>} : The name of the converted resource (fixed.field.file type reqsource).

Example :

LOAD path/to/fixed_field_file_descriptor.txt :keywords:`AS fff_descriptor.file

CONVERT fff_descriptor.file TO fixed.field.file.descriptor (descriptor) AS fff_descriptor.fffd

LOAD path/to/fixed_field_file.txt AS fixed_field_file.file

CONVERT fixed_field_file.file TO fixed.field.file (structured) USING fff_descriptor.fffd AS fixed_field_file.fff

From file to fixed.field.file.queries

Category-name : query

What ?

This query converter will convert a file type resource to a fixed.field.file.queries type resource.

CONVERT {queriesToConvert<Res:file>} TO fixed.field.file.queries (query) AS {converted<Res:fixed.field.file.queries>}

> Input :

  • {{queriesToConvert<Res:file>} : The name (in the context) of the resource to convert (file type resource). This ressource should reference a fixed field file queries (e.g. by using a LOAD instruction on the fixed field file queries path).

> Output :

  • {converted<Res:fixed.field.file.queries>} : The name of the converted resource (fixed.field.file.queries type resource).

Example :

LOAD path/to/fixed_field_file_queries.txt AS fff_queries.file

CONVERT fff_queries.file TO fixed.field.file.queries (query) AS fff_query.fffq