JUnit Plugin - Asserts

‘result.junit5’ is ‘success’

What ?

This assertion verifies that the result of the execution of a JUnit test is a success. If the assertion is verified the test continues, else the test fails.

ASSERT {resourceToAssert<Res:result.junit5>} IS success

> Input :

  • {resourceToAssert<Res:result.junit5>} : The name of the resource to assert (result.junit5 type resource).

Example :

LOAD selenium AS bundle.file

CONVERT bundle.file TO script.java (compile) AS bundle.script.java

CONVERT bundle.script.java TO script.junit5 (structured) AS bundle.script.junit5

EXECUTE execute WITH bundle.script.junit5 AS bundle.result.junit5 USING $(qualifiedClassName:org.squashtest.Selenium2JUnit4,displayName:testSelenium2JUnit4)

ASSERT bundle.result.junit5 IS success