Selenium Plugin - Introduction


The Selenium plugin for SKF currently allows the integration of the following types of java Selenium Tests :

  • Selenium 2

    • jUnit 3-based tests
    • jUnit 4-based tests

Selenium Tests must be included in the test project as java sources, and their non-selenium dependencies (if any) packaged as maven2 dependencies and declared in the squash-ta-mavin-plugin dependencies. The source code and resources are compiled each time before the test is executed. For more details, see the Converters section.

If you are looking for information on how to import your existing selenium tests, see the importing legacy tests section.

NB : A working installation of the target browser is required on the machine where the tests are run.

Importing legacy Selenium tests

To import your Selenium tests into your Squash TF test projects, just copy your test source tree (with code AND resources) under a single subdirectory in the ‘squashTA/resources’ directory. For example, if your test source code and resources where under ‘src/test/java’ and ‘src/test/resources’ respectively, you just have to copy the java and test directories in the ‘squashTA/resources/seleniumTests’ subdirectory :

Importing legacy Selenium tests.

Now, you just have to load ‘seleniumTests’ as a resource to use it in your test.