Eclipse “Run configuration” for SKF

Squash TA toolbox default workspace embeds some default eclipse “Run configuration” to run Squash Keyword Framework / Squash TA automation project. We will describe them below. Those eclipse “Run configuration” are part of the workspace and not of the project. So we will see in second time how to import them.

“Run configuration” in Squash-TA toolbox

If you have installed the Squash-TA Toolbox and that you are using Squash-TA Eclipse, go to ‘Run/Run configurations’:


There, you have the pre-installed maven run configurations:


Since Squash-TA toolbox 1.9.0, there is three sets of run configuration:

  • One set which use the goal “squash-tf:run” to run the test and specify location of lo4j configuration file “-Dlog4j.configurationFile=log4j2.xml”

    • Run all tests
    • Run selected test(s)
    • Run test list
  • One set which use the maven lifecycle “squash-tf:run” to run the test

    • (Before TA fwk 1.9.0) Run all tests
    • (Before TA fwk 1.9.0) Run selected test(s)
    • (Before TA fwk 1.9.0) Run test list
  • One set which use the maven lifecycle “integration-test” to run the test

    • (Before TA fwk 1.7.0) Run all tests
    • (Before TA fwk 1.7.0) Run selected test(s)
    • (Before TA fwk 1.7.0) Run test list


To run older projects (< 1.9.0), you must use the prefixed run configuration..

Differences between all Run configuration:

Default Config
squash-ta:run (+log4j)
    • Before TA Framework 1.6.0
    • squash-ta:run
Before TA Framework 1.7.0 integration-test

Import eclipse “Run configuration” for SKF / Squash-TA

To import run configuration in eclipse

# Download the “Run configurations” here

# In eclipse open : FileImport

..figure :: ../../_static/eclipse-toolbox/import.png

# In the dialbox, choose Run/debug then Launch Configurations and click on :guilabel: Next

# Click on :guilabel: Browse… and pick the directory where “Run configurations” were download at the first step.

# Select the “Run configurations” you want to import then click on :guilabel: Finish