Local process Plugin - Asserts

‘result.shell’ is ‘success’

What ?

Asserts that the result of the command execution is success.

ASSERT {result<Res:result.shell>} IS success

VERIFY {result<Res:result.shell>} IS success

Note : For differences between ASSERT and VERIFY assertion mode see this page.

> Input :

  • {result<Res:result.shell>} : The name of the resource which references a resource that contains the result of a shell execution command (result.shell type resource).

Example :

LOAD shell/shell_command.txt AS command.file

CONVERT command.file TO query.shell USING $(timeout:15000) AS commandLine

EXECUTE execute WITH commandLine ON ssh_server AS result

ASSERT result IS success

‘result.shell’ is ‘failure’ with {expected return code}

What ?

Asserts that the return code of a command execution who failed is the expected code.

ASSERT {result<Res:result.shell>} IS failure WITH $(<expectedCode>)

VERIFY {result<Res:result.shell>} IS failure WITH $(<expectedCode>)

Note : For differences between ASSERT and VERIFY assertion mode see this page.

> Input :

  • {result<Res:result.shell>} : The name of the resource which references a resource that contains the result of a shell execution command (result.shell type resource).
  • <expectedCode> : The expected return code of the command execution.

Example :

ASSERT result IS failure WITH $(1)

‘result.shell’ does ‘contain’ {regex}

What ?

Asserts that a stream (standard exit stream or error stream) resulting of an execution command contains a character string.

ASSERT {result<Res:result.shell>} DOES contain WITH $(<searchPattern>) USING $(<streamType>)

VERIFY {result<Res:result.shell>} DOES contain WITH $(<searchPattern>) USING $(<streamType>)

Note : For differences between ASSERT and VERIFY assertion mode see this page.

> Input :

  • {result<Res:result.shell>} : The resource that contains the result of an execution command (result.shell type resource).

  • <searchPattern> : The regular expression searched in the stream.

  • <streamType> : The kind of stream in which we are searching the character string. 2 values are possible :

    • out : To search inside a standard output stream.
    • err : To search inside the error stream.

Note : If you want to check for special characters used in the regular expression formalism, you will have to escape them with a backslash (” \ “).

Example :

EXECUTE execute WITH commandLine ON ssh-server AS result

ASSERT result DOES contain WITH $(hello world) USING $(err)

‘result.shell’ does ‘not.contain’ {regex}

What ?

Asserts that a stream (standard exit stream or error stream) resulting of an execution command does not contain a specific character string.

ASSERT {result<Res:result.shell>} DOES not.contain WITH $(<searchPattern>) USING $(<streamType>)

VERIFY {result<Res:result.shell>} DOES not.contain WITH $(<searchPattern>) USING $(<streamType>)

Note : For differences between ASSERT and VERIFY assertion mode see this page.

> Input :

  • {result<Res:result.shell>} : The resource that contains the result of an execution command (result.shell type resource).

  • <searchPattern> : The regular expression searched in the stream.

  • <streamType> : The kind of stream in which we are searching the character string. 2 values are possible :

    • out : To search inside a standard output stream.
    • err : To search inside the error stream.

Note : If you want to check for special characters used in the regular expression formalism, you will have to escape them with a backslash (” \ “).

Example :

EXECUTE execute WITH commandLine ON ssh-server AS result

ASSERT result DOES not.contain WITH $(hello world) USING $(err)