Local process Plugin - Converters

From file to query.shell

Category-name : query

What ?

This query converter will convert a file type resource to a query.shell type resource.

CONVERT {resourceToConvert<Res:file>} TO query.shell (query) AS {converted<Res:query.shell>} [ USING {config<Res:file>} ]

> Input :

  • {resourceToConvert<Res:file>} : The name of the file which includes one or several shell command lines. Commands can be on one line separated by the character ‘;’ or on several lines (in this case the ‘;’ is optional) and comments beginning with ‘#’ are authorized.

  • {config<Res:file> (Optional)} : The name of the resource which references a configuration file which contains only one key / value :

    • ‘timeout : An integer that represents time in milliseconds. It’s the time to wait before the command execution times out. It can also be defined via an inline instruction : $(timeout : …).
    • ‘streamlength : An integer that represents the stream length (number of characters). An option “full” allows to have the entire stream. It can also be defined via an inline instruction : $(streamlength : …). Streamlength property is available since 1.8.0 version.

> Output :

  • {converted<Res:query.shell>} : The name of the converted resource (query.shell type resource).

Example :

LOAD shell/shell_command_03.txt AS command.file

CONVERT command.file TO query.shell USING $(timeout:15000, streamlength:600) AS commandLine

LOAD shell/shell_command_03.txt AS command.file

CONVERT command.file TO query.shell USING $(streamlength:full) AS commandLine