Selenium Plugin - Assert

‘result.selenium’ is ‘success’

What ?

This assertion checks that the selenium test suite execution was successful. If not, it gives the list of failed selenium tests in the failure message, and attaches the execution report in the surefire format produced by the selenium test suite execution as failure context resource.

ASSERT {seleniumResult<Res:result.selenium>} IS success

VERIFY {seleniumResult<Res:result.selenium>} IS success

Note : For differences between ASSERT and VERIFY assertion mode see this page.

> Input :

  • {seleniumResult<Res:result.selenium>} : The name of the resource (In the context) which contains the result of a selenium execution command (result.selenium type resource).

Example :

LOAD selenium AS seleniumTestSource

CONVERT seleniumTestSource TO (compile) AS seleniumTestCompiled

CONVERT seleniumTestCompiled TO (script) USING $(org.squashtest.Selenium2JUnit3WithMvnDependency) AS seleniumTest

EXECUTE execute WITH seleniumTest AS seleniumResult

ASSERT seleniumResult IS success