Define Test suite Perimeter

When you execute your test through the run goal, you define the test suite to execute through the ta.test.suite parameter (more details on the run goal here).

You can define your test suite by providing to ta.test.suite filters (for filtered execution) or data structured in .json (for filtered or ordedered execution).

“ta.test.suite”: filters


The ta.test.suite parameter can be a list of filters separated by comma.

A filter can be :

  • The test case path (absolute or relative to the automation project “tests” directory).

    The file path D:/myProject/src/squashTA/tests/foo/bar/baz.ta can be matched as :

    • D:/myProject/src/squashTA/tests/foo/bar/baz.ta
    • foo/bar/baz.ta
  • A path using a wildcard characters which selects matching test script inside “tests” directory. Wildcard characters can be used :

    • ** to replace directories path (one or many levels).
    • * to replace 0,1 or many characters.

    Examples of file paths matching foo/bar/baz.ta using wildcard characters :

    • **/baz.ta
    • **/bar/baz.ta
    • foo/**/baz.ta
    • f*o/b*/baz.ta
    • **/b*z.ta
    • etc.
  • A regular expression, using regex’<myRegex>’ format, which selects matching test script inside “tests” directory.


    regular_expression : The regular expression to use to select tests.


In the example below, ta.test.suite is composed of two filters :


will select for execution foo/bar/baz.ta file in “tests” directory (if it exists).


will select for execution all files in “tests/sample” directory and its subdirectories which name finish by “.ta”.

mvn squash-tf:run -Dta.test.suite=foo/bar/,sample/**/*.ta

“ta.test.suite”: json data

Through json data you can do a filtered execution or an ordered execution.

Filtered execution

In the json data you can provide filters (as defined in the previous section) by using the syntax below :

  "filter" : "**/*.ta"

In addition, you can provide some global parameters :

  "filter" : "**/*.ta",
  "param" : {
    "property5" : "value13",
    "property6" : "value14"

Ordered execution

The other possibility, in json format, is to provide the list of tests to execute :

// Path to the test script to execute

// Test execution identifier

// Script parameters

  "test": [
      "script": "pathToMyscript1",
      "id": "TestCase1",
      "param": {
        "property1": "value1",
        "property2": "value2"
      "script": "pathToMyscript2",
      "id": "TestCase2",
      "param": {
        "property3": "value7",
        "property4": "value8"
      "script": "pathToMyscript1",
      "id": "TestCase3",
      "param": {
        "property1": "value3",
        "property2": "value4"
  "param": {
    "property5": "value13",
    "property6": "value14"
<---- Path to the test script to execute
<---- Test execution identifier
<---- Script parameters
<---- Global parameters

Where for each test :

  • script is the the path to the test to execute relative to the “tests” directory. This property is mandatory.
  • id is the test execution identifier. Only useful for Squash TM - Squash TF link. However, if “id” is defined for one test then it should be defined for all tests of test suite.
  • param is a list of parameters (key/value) associated to the test. This property is optional.

As for json filtered execution, global parameters are optionals.

When no param and id properties are defined for test, it’s possible to use a simplier syntax :

  "test": [
  "param": {
    "property5": "value13",
    "property6": "value14"


Json data can be provided through a String or a file.

> Json provided through a String

mvn squash-ta:run -Dta.test.suite={'test':[{'script':'pathToMyscript1','param':{'property1':'value1','property2':'value2'}},{'script':'pathToMyscript2'}]}


Note that the double quote surrounding properties and values of the json data has been replaced. You can :

  • replace them by simple quote (as it’s done in the example)
  • escape the double quote "

> Json provided through a file

mvn squash-ta:run -Dta.test.suite={file:pathToMyJsonFile}

Where pathToMyJsonFile is the path to the json data file. This path can be absolute or relative to the root directory of the automation project.

Filtered execution vs Ordered execution

Filtered execution

When you do a filtered execution you provide filters. The list of test to execute is composed of all the tests in “tests” directory whose path matches the filter. With this kind of execution :

  • A test can only be executed once during an execution.
  • There is no execution order.
  • You can’t provide specific parameters to the script however you can provide global parameters through json data.

Ordered execution

When you do an ordered execution you provide the list of tests to execute through json format. With this kind of execution :

  • A test can be executed as many times as needed.

  • The tests are executed in the order that they were declared in the json data if the tests are in the same ecosystem. If the tests are not in the same ecosystem they are executed ecosystem by ecosystem. That means we execute all the tests of the first ecosystem used (in the order they are declared) then the tests of the second ecosytem are executed, etc.

    Given the test tree below :

      |    |--test21.ta
      |    `--test22.ta

    When this json data is given as input :

      "test" : [{
        "script" : "foo/test22.ta"
      }, {
        "script" : "test01.ta"
      }, {
        "script" : "test02.ta"
      }, {
        "script" : "foo/test21.ta"

    Then : test22.ta and test21.ta of ecosystem foo will be executed, then test01.ta and test02.ta will be executed.

  • Parameters can be specified for each test.