

All configurations are done in the <exporters> section of the pom.xml of your project.

A report is defined by the implementation attribute of an <exporter>. Child tags (of <exporter>) are report-dependant.

        <exporter implementation="org.squashtest.ta.commons.exporter.surefire.SurefireSuiteResultExporter">
        <exporter implementation="org.squashtest.ta.commons.exporter.html.HtmlSuiteResultExporter"></exporter>

Report Status

Element : Status :
Instruction :
  • NOT RUN : Instruction was not executed.
  • SUCCESS : Instruction was successfully executed.
  • FAILURE : An assertion has failed.
  • ERROR : An instruction raised an unexpected error
Test case :
  • NOT_RUN : A phase of a test case was not executed.
  • Otherwise its status is the severest one among status of its instructions.

Script TF :


  • NOT_RUN : Script was not executed.
  • Otherwise its status is the severest one among status of its instructions.
Ecosystem :
  • Its status is the severest one among status of its scripts.


HTML Report Configuration

In our maven archetype, HTML reports are already enabled. Otherwise, you can do it with the following implementation :


HTML report configuration sample :

        <exporter implementation="org.squashtest.ta.commons.exporter.html.HtmlSuiteResultExporter"></exporter>

Since 1.7.0 version, it’s also possible to enable it with the following configuration :



Both solutions are equivalent and work since 1.7.0.

HTML Report overview

The HTML Report (squash-ta-report.html) is created post-execution in directory : my.squash.ta.project/target/SquashTA/html-reports.

Here are some screenshots of an html report :

  • Test suite summary :

  • Ecosystem summary :

  • Target Initialisation summary : (@since Squash-TA framework 1.7.0)

  • Test script result :


A full sample is also available here : Execution report - execution-report-test-sample.pdf

HTML Summary

The HTML Summary is a less detailed version of the HTML report.

Normal HTML Summary

If you want to have an HTML Summary report, you have to add the following lines in <exporters> :


Lightened HTML Summary

You can lighten the report if you add to the <htmlSummary> configuration the tag :


Which gives :



It’s possible to have both HTML report and HTML Summary together : Put the two tags in <exporters>…</exporters>


Surefire Report

Surefire Report Configuration

In our maven archetype, Surefire reports are already enabled. Otherwise, you can enable it with the following implementation :


The Surefire report uses 2 properties :

  • exportAttached : If you want to generate the attachments in the surefire-reports-directory :

    • Default value : true (since 1.7.0).
    • Values accepted : true/false.
  • jenkinsAttachmentMode : Used with the Squash TF server for the Jenkins JUnit attachment plugin.

Surefire report configuration sample :

        <exporter implementation="">

Since 1.7.0 version, there is an easy solution to activate the Surefire report :



Both solutions are equivalent and works since SKF 1.7.0.

Surefire report overview

A Surefire report is an .xml file which contains all results of the scripts execution.

Each <testsuite> element represents an ecosystem and each <testcase> element a .ta script.

Surefire reports are created in directory : my.squash.ta.project/target/squashTA/surefire-reports


Here is an example of a Surefire report :


Three kind of results are possible :

  • Passed : In this case the Surefire report provides only the name and the execution time of the test case :

    <testcase time="0.017" classname="tests.F01.ScriptsTF.Set1" name="UC01.01_Success.ta" />
  • Failed (because of a false assertion) : In this case the Surefire report provides the name and the execution time of the test case. It also indicates that a ‘failure’ occured and gives the associated trace.

<testcase time="0.0090" classname="tests.Set1" name="Failure_in_setup.ta" >
  <failure message="The pattern rubbish was not found in the file."
  type="org.squashtest.ta.framework.exception.BinaryAssertionFailedException" >
[SUCCESS] LOAD file.txt AS file
[FAIL] ASSERT file DOES contain WITH $(rubbish)
     [SUCCESS]     $(rubbish) --> {{__temp306}}
     [FAIL] ASSERT file DOES contain WITH {{__temp306}}

Trace here

[NOT_RUN] ASSERT file DOES contain WITH $(Hello)
     [NOT_RUN]     $(Hello) --> {{__temp152}}
     [NOT_RUN]     ASSERT file DOES contain WITH {{__temp152}}
[NOT_RUN] ASSERT file DOES contain WITH $(Hello)
     [NOT_RUN]     $(Hello) --> {{__temp597}}
     [NOT_RUN]     ASSERT file DOES contain WITH {{__temp597}}
[SUCCESS] ASSERT file DOES contain WITH $(Hello)
     [SUCCESS]     $(Hello) --> {{__temp529}}
     [SUCCESS]     ASSERT file DOES contain WITH {{__temp529}}
  • Failed (because of a technical error) : In this case the Surefire report provides the name and the execution time of the test case. It also indicates that an ‘error’ occurs and give the associated trace.
<testcase time="0.013" classname="tests.Set2" name="Error_in_setup.ta" >
  <error message="ASSERT wrongId DOES contain WITH {{__temp238}}: Cannot apply assertion :
  SCOPE_TEST:wrongId does not exist in this test context: you must load it first."
  type="" >
[SUCCESS] LOAD file.txt AS file
[ERROR] ASSERT wrongId DOES contain WITH $(Hello)
     [SUCCESS]     $(Hello) --> {{__temp238}}
     [ERROR] ASSERT wrongId DOES contain WITH {{__temp238}}

Trace was here

[NOT_RUN] ASSERT file DOES contain WITH $(Hello)
     [NOT_RUN]     $(Hello) --> {{__temp362}}
     [NOT_RUN]     ASSERT file DOES contain WITH {{__temp362}}
[NOT_RUN] ASSERT file DOES contain WITH $(Hello)
     [NOT_RUN]     $(Hello) --> {{__temp345}}
     [NOT_RUN]     ASSERT file DOES contain WITH {{__temp345}}
[SUCCESS] ASSERT file DOES contain WITH $(Hello)
     [SUCCESS]     $(Hello) --> {{__temp875}}
     [SUCCESS]     ASSERT file DOES contain WITH {{__temp875}}

Inside the target directory, there are also attached documents produced by SKF scripts to make easier diagnosis when an error occurs (snapshots, diff-reports, detailed logs…).