Default SKF automation project pom.xml

Default pom

Here is an example of SKF‘s default pom. It’s the one generated with the maven archetype (for more information, please consult the page about creating a new project).

    xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">



    <!-- Properties definition -->
        <!-- Squash-TA framework version used by the project -->

            <!-- Configuration of the Squash TA framework used by the project -->

                <!-- Here you can add libraries to the engine classpath, using the <dependencies></dependencies> tag -->
                <!-- A sample with the mySql jdbc driver -->
                <!-- <dependencies> -->
                <!--     <dependency> -->
                <!--        <groupId>mysql</groupId> -->
                <!--        <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> -->
                <!--        <version>5.1.19</version> -->
                <!--     </dependency> -->
                <!-- </dependencies> -->

                <!-- Under here is the Squash TA framework default configuration -->

                        Uncomment the line below in order to the build finish in success even if a test failed
                        (functional (assertion) failure), but fail the build if an ERROR (technical failure) occurred.
                    <!-- <mojoSuccessThreshold>FAIL</mojoSuccessThreshold> -->

                    <!-- Define a log configuration file (at log4j format) to override the one defined internally -->
                    <!-- If the given file can't be found the engine switch to the internal configuration-->

                    <!-- Define exporters -->

                    <!-- Define configurers -->

                <!-- Bind the Squash TA "run" goal to the maven integration-test phase and reuse the default configuration -->

    <!-- Squash TA maven repository -->
            <name>squashtest test automation - releases</name>

    <!-- Squash TA maven plugin repository -->


By default, the following configuration has been set :

  • Generation of an html report at the end of the execution.
  • Generation of Junit reports at the end of execution with attachment and jenkinsAttachmentMode deactivated.
  • Squash TM events callback for Squash TF-TM link is declared but deactivated.


For more information on the Squash TF exporters configuration, please read this.


Currently, there is only one configurer existing in SKF. It is used to configure Squash TM events callback for the TF-TM link. When activated, this component send progression events to Squash TM during the execution of a test suite. If you don’t use TF-TM link, then you don’t need this configurer.

To declare the Squash TM events callback in your project :


For automation project using a version before 1.7.0, you have to use :

    <configurer implementation="">


Since Squash TA 1.7.0, the endpointURL has a default value : file://dev/null. Moreover this default value has for effect to deactivate the send event mecanism. A valid URL should be given to activate it.